Thursday, July 23, 2015

From the East


The Blue Lodges of Ancient Craft Masonry have three splendid and impressive degrees. The thrust of the Entered Apprentice Degree is the teaching of great moral principles by beautiful ceremonies and lectures. These include the four great cardinal virtues of temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice, together with the beloved golden tenets of Masonry--Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. The Fellowcraft Degree emphasizes the importance of the acquisition of knowledge, and that with it comes greater duties and responsibilities. The great degree of all Masonry is the sublime degree of a Master Mason. This degree reveals the Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul in a very impressive manner and also charges that it is incumbent upon all Masons to continually pursue further light as we travel symbolically in our pilgrimage in life from the West to the glorious East

W.M. Shane Lowe

From the West


This June was a historic day in the history of Rockford masonry. The BBQ/Ice-cream social “Summer Days” Event was a huge success with hundreds turning out. We have had a few big events over the last few years but I cannot recall 1 other where every active member, and even some with other obligation restraints, EAs and FCs contributed in some way. Whether it was through donation, making sure the law was mowed, collecting money or running the kitchen, the brethren of Rockford Lodge showed as a shinning example of what we can accomplish when we all come together in the light of Masonry.  A special thanks to Brothers Mike Weems for donating the ice-cream, Joe Mencer for spending over 50 hours across two weeks running the smoker, Danny Gleason for providing running the TN CHIP machine, and the Martha Washington Star Chapter for providing most excellent sweets.

For more pics of the Summer Days Event, click here.

Brothers Shane Lowe, Mark Dixon, Chris Seaton, Scott Hopkins and myself sold hotdogs at the Blunt County Fishing Derby at the beginning of the month and were able to raise a few dollars.

Lastly, the latest masterpiece by our illustrious woodworker was taken to Sweetwater Lodge. The Swicegood alter was presented at Sweetwater’s stated meeting and is beautifully matched to the lights that were presented earlier this year.

For more pics of the Sweetwater Alter, click here.

~S.W. Dustin Wade

Friday, July 10, 2015

From the South


I have a few announcements for this month.

July 11th, Don’t forget that the Community Yard Sale is this Saturday at Rockford Lodge. Vender’s will start setting up at 8:00am. We have 10 venders this year, which is 2 more than last year, and we kept the parking lot full last year.

July 16th, We have 2 FC Degrees, eat at 6:00pm, Degree to follow.

July 30th, We will be hosting the annual Widows and Orphans dinner/ Family night. Eat at 6:00 pm. If you know a Blunt County widow or orphan, please invite them to come and eat. Rockford lodge will be providing Fried Chicken and it is requested that each Brother attending brings a covered dish (Pot Luck). We will also be collecting donations for the Tennessee widows and orphans fund.

Aug. 15th, We will be hosting our 2nd annual Steak Dinner. Eat at 6:00 pm. This year we will be serving via a line rather than at the tables. Dinner will include Steak, Salad, Baked Potato and Desert for $10

Yours Fraternally,
Scott Hopkins J.W.