Thursday, August 20, 2015

From the East


What we do not understand, we do not possess. Neither can we impart to others what we do not possess. Superficial exposure to Freemasonry will not suffice to achieve even minimum requirements of a real Mason. To be meaningful it must be more than an intellectual exercise or a passing experience. Ritualism must be supplemented and embellished by explanation, education, personal fellowship before Masonry can become a part of us and its precepts strengthened by performance

~W.M. Shane Lowe

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Prayer Request


Please keep these families in your prayers.

Brother Philip Young - Loss in family and hospitalization of another family member.

Brother Chip Hatcher - Medical procedure.

Doug Cable - Medical procedure.

From the South


Here are your upcoming events.

First the Steak Dinner has been moved been postponed until September 19th.  We will be eating at 6:00pm and it will be $10 a plate.  If you would like tickets please contact a lodge officer.

We have a Master Mason's degree set for August 27th, Eat at 6:00 pm Degree to follow.

September 12th will be our quarterly lodge maintenance day.

We will also be having our biannual roadside cleanup of Russell road in September though a date has not yet been set, more to come.
