Wednesday, October 28, 2015

From the East

It was a time not long after Fort Sumter and The War of Northern Aggression was well under way. The Yankees, as they are still wont to do, had promptly flocked to Hilton Head and Tybee Islands, the barrier islands on opposite sides of the mouth of the Savannah River. The Savannah Folks didn't mind much that the Yankees had stolen the good beaches, for the water was still a bit cool for Southern preferences and, besides, they knew the gnats and mosquitoes would teach the Yankees a lesson they'd never forget. So, the Southerners, as Southerners are wont to do sometimes, just waited.

They didn't have to wait very long before the Yankees on Hilton Head sent out a messenger under a white flag. It seemed that the Yankees had among them a young fellow who had passed through the Fellow Craft Degree before shipping out. The Yanks were just sitting around slapping gnats when it occurred to one of them that, just maybe, there was a nearby lodge that could test him in the Fellow Craft Degree and raise him to that of a Master Mason.

As luck would have it, there was indeed a lodge in Savannah that would soon be having a Masters Degree.

One morning, not too many days later, a detail of Confederate Cavalry slipped across the Savannah River into South Carolina and traveled through Bluffton to the shore opposite Hilton Head Island.

From there they escorted one Fellow Craft Mason and, I believe, a number of Master Masons of the Northern Persuasion, safely through the Confederate Lines and back through about 35 miles of Confederate defenses to Savannah where the candidate and his witnesses were delivered into the lodge.

The records note that this Brother was indeed proficient in the Fellow Craft Degree and he was raised to the Degree of a Master Mason.

That night another detail of Confederate Cavalry, no doubt Brothers to a man, slipped back across the Savannah River and safely escorted their Brothers back to Hilton Head.

~ W.M. Shane Lowe

Friday, October 16, 2015

Doug Cable Lodge


We will be holding a special lodge at Fort Sanders hospital on Oct. 22nd for our brother Doug Cable who is staying there. We only have room for 50 people and there will be a pot luck meal. due to limited space, please RSVP with brother Joe Mencer at (865) 256-1357.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Prayer Request

Please keep our newest member and oldest friend Doug Cable and his family in your prayers.  Brother Doug is currently in the Hospital and not in the best condition. For those of you that are younger masons or may not know Doug's name, brother Doug is one of our district deputies and the man that makes the canes that we have been giving out since the bicentennial celebration. Brother Doug is much loved by Rockford lodge and though we just accepted him as a member, none of us have ever thought of him as a visitor.

From the South

This month starts the busiest time of year at Rockford. To the brothers of the lodge: We need all the help we can get.

October 10th, 17th & 24th. we will be having Turkey Shoots at the Rockford football field beginning at 8:00 am

October 15th we will be having a Master Masons degree Eat at 6:00pm Degree to follow

October 31st will be our Halloween carnival. please invite all the kids you can. We strive to provide a safe atmosphere for children to get candy and play games. We will also be participating in the Tennessee Child ID Program (TNCHIP) at this event.

November 7th will be the Veteran's day breakfast .  Veterans eat FREE so tell all the vets that you know.

~J.W. Scott Hopkins

From the West

The month turned out more adventurous than we had anticipated.

September's Steak dinner, the second annual, was a huge success and with the new format, ran much smoother than last year's.  With nearly $1000 in profit, we have already gotten the centerpiece dish for the upcoming Table Lodge.  A special thanks to all the brothers that helped make this event a success.

Though it was in October, I am going to go ahead and thank Brothers: Shane Lowe, Joe Mencer and William Murphy. the four of us went to a widow's house in Clarksville Tennessee to assist in the renovation. We added vinyl siding and flashing to prevent further weathering. Though our quarters were rather less than appealing, it proved to be a memorable event and a touching endeavor.  

For more pics of the Widow's house Renovation Event, click HERE.

~J.W. Dustin Wade