Monday, January 25, 2016


To the Brethren of Rockford Lodge No. 469:

You may remember in my last inspirational piece I spoke of Carl Claudy's Old Tyler Talks.

It is again, late at night when my children and wife are in bed, that I turn to the same.

Our subject this evening is the talk "Atheist and Agnostic," which you may find here.

When confronted with the news that a brother is an atheist, the Old Tyler recommends the preference  of Masonic Charges against the brother who does not believe the same as the Young Brother does.

The charge the Young Brother believes worthy of bringing to the Old Tyler is thus: Brother Smith does not believe in the Divinity of Christ.

The Old Tyler responds with his wisdom:

"Oh! Is that what made you call him an atheist? Many thousand Masons don't believe in the divinity of Christ; some are in this lodge. Jews do not; the Chinese do not; Mohammedans do not, but that doesn't mean they don't believe in God."

The Old Tyler responds further.

"There is a conception of God in several churches in which I don't believe, either I" retorted the Old Tiler. "The God in whom I put my trust is not a vengeful God, swayed by passion or prejudice. The God in whom many good people believe is a terrible God, who gets angry and is revengeful and plans horrible torments for those who do not please Him. Because I don't put my faith in that particular idea of God doesn't mean I don't believe in God. And the people who believe in the Deity as pictured by Calvin and Luther and the Puritans may think my conception of Deity is all wrong, but that doesn't make them call me an atheist."

On reflection, the Old Tyler (as usual) makes a point.  Freemasonry requires we espouse at the beginning a belief in a Supreme Being to whom all men are accountable.  Just because we place certain ideas before others doesn't mean those with whom we sit in lodge don't believe in God.  

I had an occasion to visit the Scottish Rite Grand Temple about a year ago when I was admitted to the United States Supreme Court Bar.  On their floor the altar contains three books: the Holy Bible, the Torah, and the Q'uran.  This is by design of the Scottish Rite and the council of 33 members that comprise it.  

In Tennessee we are required to keep the Holy Bible on our altar as the Book of Law.  That doesn't mean we cannot admit Muslims, Buddhists, Hindis, or Jewish brethren.  It means that we are required to follow certain precepts as set down by Tennessee code.  It is law, and we abide by it.  

That does not in any way mean we discount a man's version of what their religion states.  

And we always leave religion and politics at the lodge door, knowing the divisiveness those subjects will bring.  

Always, brethren, no matter what, remember that each man who comes to the lodge comes as an equal.  Someone who espouses a belief in a Supreme Being to whom all men are accountable.  The nature of that being is of no consequence to us; it is a requirement of the Fraternity.  

Warmest Regards, 
Bro. Chris Seaton 
Junior Warden, Rockford Lodge No. 469


Brethren of Rockford Lodge No. 469:

After conversing with our Worshipful Master, I have been asked to convey the following amongst the brethren:

Practice this Thursday, January 28, is canceled by order of the Worshipful Master.  In its place the Worshipful Master requests the Past Masters of Rockford Lodge gather for a Past Master's Meeting.

The attendance of every Past Master of Rockford Masonic Lodge No. 469 is welcomed and strongly encouraged.  Worshipful Master Bro. Dustin Wade will be contacting each Past Master via telephone and issuing a personal invitation.

Any further questions may be directed to either W.M. Wade or myself via telephone.

Warmest Regards,
Bro. Chris Seaton
Junior Warden, Rockford Lodge No. 469

Friday, January 22, 2016



We had a Country Ham Breakfast scheduled for February 5, 2015 as a fundraising event.  That has since been changed to a day where we will make tamales.  All brethren and their families are invited to come participate in making tamales with us.  There will probably be coffee and doughnuts.  We're just not doing the scheduled Country Ham Breakfast.

Kindest Regards,

Bro. Chris Seaton
Junior Warden


January sees the start of the year with new officers and a new group of men ready to assume the duties of caring for the lodge.

Carl Claudy, around 1921, published a series of talks later called the "Old Tiler's Talks," which would later reach publication in a volume of thirty-one of Claudy's hand-picked selections in a volume for publication.

It is in that respect that I look to the Old Tiler's Talk called "Gift of the Magi." In it, a young brother speaks with incredulity to the grizzled Old Tiler that a "Brother Smith" approached him with the possibility of serving as Junior Steward for the year.  The Tiler called it "natural and reprehensible," and assumed the Young Brother said "yes." Unfortunately, this was not the case.  The Young Brother asked why it was "natural and reprehensible" for Brother Smith to ask the Young Brother to serve as Junior Steward, and why he should have taken the position.

The grizzled Old Tiler sees this as an opportunity to take the Young Brother to the foot of the learning tree.

"It Is natural for men to ask their friends if they want office. It is reprehensible, because Masonry in lodge practice is not supposed to have any politics. An election is supposed to be like a wen, something that just grows without any previous warning or conversation!
The Old Tiler then asks why the Young Brother didn't want to take the position of Junior Steward.  The Young Brother responds quite readily.

Why, Old Tiler, you know well enough why not! I have heard you talk before about the responsibilities of office. An officer has to serve at least seven years before he gets to the East in this lodge. He has to learn degrees and attend meetings and go to all funerals and visit the sick and labor instructing candidates and I don't know what all besides. Why should I run my head into any such noose as that? What does the officer get out of it, anyway? Nothing but fifty dollars' worth of squares and compasses to hang on a blue ribbon on his coat and for the rest of his life have some Master say, 'You are cordially invited to a seat in the East!' Not for me, thank you!"

The Old Tiler then explains the purpose of the office, and explains why the Young Brother wasn't quiet ready to assume the honor of serving at the junior end of the line.

"The lodge looks upon the election to the junior end of the line as a signal honor. In all probability, the man elected Junior Steward this year will be the Master seven years hence. At least he can be, if he has ability and love for Masonry and sticks to his job. So the lodge feels that in saying to a brother 'you may be a Master in seven years; at least, we will trust you to try, as we will try you in trust,' it is paying him the greatest compliment outside of an actual election to the East which it can pay. As betrothal is to marriage, so is election to the foot of the line to the Mastership.
 ''To be Master of a lodge is a position of responsibility. It means work. It means effort. It means trials. It means difficulty. But it also means much in education, in assurance on one's feet, in knowledge of character and strength of will and wit. Being Master brings great rewards, of which your 'fifty dollars' worth of gold' is but the symbol, not the substance.
"But we all make mistakes, and Brother Smith and I both made one. When he asked me about you, I said you had good stuff in you. So he spoke to you, but you don't want to bring it out for the lodge. That's your business. It was our error. So we will take the better man.''
''Why . . . Why didn't you take the better man in the first place?'' asked the New Brother.
"Oh, we didn't know he was the better man until you told us so. You had concealed it from us. We thought you had Master's quality in you. Willingness to serve, love of your fellows, desire to be something in Masonry for what it will do for you and what you can do for others; these make a Master's quality. But we were mistaken." 
I bold those two statements because I didn't really quite understand what I was getting into when I assumed the office of Senior Steward last year.  I didn't understand the "education" I received in learning how to prepare a table for a group of men.  I only grudgingly understood the good-natured ribbing that I got was a preparation for that which I would endure one day in other stations.

There's something to be said for at least a year's worth of education in the Masonic School of Hard Knocks.

Every man who serves in the line at Rockford, from the Worshipful Master on down to the Junior Steward knows when we were approached with the gift of being offered a position in the line, it was an honor.  It was the lodge recognizing we had a Master's qualities.  All of us are appreciative of that gift bestowed upon us by the lodge, and while we may at the lower levels not fully understand everything required of us, we are all committed to the lodge and furthering its tradition of being a place "Where Masons Meet, Work Well Together, And Have Fun."

Bro. Chris Seaton
Junior Warden

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Greetings Brethren: 

After consultation with various parties, the Worshipful Master has stated tonight Rockford Lodge No. 469 will have a practice session. The roads are clear enough for all brethren to reach the lodge if they so choose.  

As usual, we would love to see you at practice, and we always want to see you in lodge with us.  If you need assistance getting to lodge, call a brother and let him know.   

Bro. Chris Seaton 
Junior Warden

Monday, January 18, 2016


Hello Brethren of Rockford Lodge, and welcome to 2016!

It's January, and with the cold weather making us all a touch sleepy we don't have a lot going on this month.  Our Stated meeting featured an incredible seafood gumbo with cornbread, french bread, and cake prepared by our new Senior Steward and Junior Steward.  It's safe to say the kitchen has been left in good hands.

February begins a month of events starting with preparation of Tamales on Saturday, 2/6, bright and early.  The more hands we can get, the faster the preparation goes, so bring your friends and family with you and come help us make tamales!

On February 20 at 6 PM we have our annual Family Night and Awards night.  It will be a potluck supper with fried chicken being served as the main protein.  Bring your family and your stomach!

Also, Brethren of Rockford, your attendance is especially requested at our February Stated meeting.  Per the directives of the Grand Lodge, a change to the Bylaws of Rockford Lodge No. 469 are in order, and will be discussed at that Stated meeting.  Plus there's going to be incredible food, so you won't be disappointed.

Here's to a very successful 2016 for Rockford.  I am honored to serve the lodge as Junior Warden and look forward to meeting, working well together, and having fun with all my Rockford brothers.

Cordially Yours,
Bro. Christopher Seaton
Junior Warden


Hello Brethren:

December 2015 was as memorable month for Rockford in many ways.  We had our Stated meeting, with the election of new officers and the annual Christmas Parade, of which we are always excited to take part.

Our Officer Installation was performed by Bro. Daniel Mata, Past Master of Jamestown Lodge 28 and District 13 Chairman.  Our new officers are as follows:

WM: Dustin Emmett Wade
SW: Thomas Colin Kittrell
JW: Christopher Lloyd Seaton
Treasurer: Mark Timothy Dixon
Secretary: Michael Garland Weems
SD: Kevin Hughes Kirkpatrick
JD: Ryan Michael Stansberry
SS: Willam Jerry Murphy
JS: Christopher Robert Kyle
Chaplain: Joe Malcolm Mencer
Tyler: Shane Scott Lowe

Our new officers set to work quickly closing out December with making another round of tamales and delivering food for Meals on Wheels.  A special thanks goes to Bros. Murphy, Kirkpatrick, and our Worshipful Master for taking time out to make those tamales, which are an integral fundraiser for Rockford.

The Meals on Wheels program presented us with an interesting challenge as the routes they asked us to take were all on Christmas Day.  Nonetheless, our Master, Bro. Kittrell, and Bro. Norm Walton and his family all stepped up to take time out of their holiday mornings to deliver meals to those who would otherwise not see a lot of Christmas cheer.

In an interesting turn of events, Bro. Seaton found himself with four cheese and sausage trays due to a mailing error.  After a quick phone call, Bro. Kittrell was able to find four families that were extremely happy to have them, including two Masonic widows.

It would be remiss of us if we did not note the passing of our dear friend and Brother Douglas Cable at the end of December.  Rockford Lodge, under the direction of Bro. Mencer, coordinated a memorial service and pot luck supper in honor of our departed Brother.  The service was attended by at least sixty brethren from across the state of Tennessee, which is a testament to how much Bro. Cable was respected in his Masonic endeavors.

Thank you all for a wonderful December, and we look forward to 2016.

Yours in Light,
Bro. Thomas "T.C." Kittrell
Senior Warden

(Ed. Note: Post updated to correct accuracy in names.  We apologize for any inconvenience--CLS)